
While PyPi and Conda are great ways to distribute python applications to python developers. We would like to have an easier way to distribute applications to linux and OSX users. Containers are a great way of achieving this. For this we will use docker for our builds with a Dockerfile. Explaining dockerfiles are outside of the scope of this documentation but here is a general build template for Docker. You will want to put the docker file in the root of your project.

FROM python:3.6-slim
MAINTAINER Chris Ostrouchov

ARG PROJECT=python-package-template

# Download package, install package, no cache
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir$USERNAME/$PROJECT/repository/$VERSION/archive.tar.gz

ENTRYPOINT ["helloworld"]
CMD ["fizzbuzz", "-n", "10"]

Lets explain some of the settings. FROM describes the docker container that we derive from. In this case starting with base python is a good start. MAINTAINER is exactly what it sounds like it is an easy way to declare the package maintainer. Since dockerfiles work in layers we need to do all our work in one run command to reduce size. Luckily if we have built our python package correctly the run step should be very simple using pip. Finally ENTRYPOINT and CMD set the default command and arguments respectively. Once you have a template you have many choices on where to share your docker container. I will show here how to upload your container to dockerhub. First create an account at docker hub and signup. Then create a repository with your desired repository name. Then follow these simple steps to build an image and push to docker hub.

  1. docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
  2. docker build -t $USERNAME/$PACKAGE:$VERSION --build-arg VERSION=$VERSION .
  3. docker push $USERNAME/$PACKAGE:$VERSION

It really is as simple as that!

Gitlab Registry + Docker Hub

Now we would like to automate this with gitlab to deploy our container to gitlab registries and docker hub. Here is the additions to .gitlab-ci.yml.


  - test
  - deploy

   image: docker:git
   stage: deploy
     - docker:dind
     - docker build -t python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG --build-arg VERSION=$CI_COMMIT_TAG .
     # push to dockerhub
     - docker login -u $DOCKER_USERNAME -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD
     - docker tag python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG costrouc/python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG
     - docker tag python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG costrouc/python-package-template:latest
     - docker push costrouc/python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG
     - docker push costrouc/python-package-template:latest
     # push to gitlab registry
     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
     - docker tag python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG$CI_COMMIT_TAG
     - docker tag python-package-template:$CI_COMMIT_TAG
     - docker push$CI_COMMIT_TAG
     - docker push
     - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+([abc]\d*)?$/  # PEP-440 compliant version (tags)

With this you should now be able to deploy to both gitlab and docker! Of course like before in PyPi and Conda you will need to add your secret environment variables to the gitlab CI/CD.

Docker Image Size

If you visit the official python docker repository there are many many choices for base images to start from for each version. To simplify your choices you need to pick a python version (2.7, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, etc.), whether the image is based on a large ubuntu image, debian minimal, or alpine. My advice is that I have found several applications not to work on the extremely minimal alpine but if it does use it (90.4 MB). You should have no problem using the debian minimal image (slim) and this should be your default choice (162 MB). Use the ubuntu image as a last resort as it is HUGE (691 MB).

The size of a docker image will determine how fast a container management framework such as kubernetes can spinup your instance. Smaller is better and “too big” is always relative. I stick to less than 300-400 MB.