
PyPi otherwise known as the cheeseshop is the packaging repository for python. PyPi has been going through some great changes recently including a new UI and not requiring registering new projects. PyPi deployment can seem daunting. Twine is your best friend.

PyPi has two repositories. The testing repository and main repository. when you are trying out deploying packages I would advise starting with testing. Older guides for using PyPi will state that you need to pre-register a package. This is no longer the case.

First you will need to create a pypi account. The testing and production repositories require separate accounts. Look for the Register link in the top right of the site. After creating your account keep track of the username and password.

From this point we have everything needed to do a simple manual deployment to pypi. If you dont want to submit to the testing repository remove --repository-url You will be prompted for your username and password.

  1. pip install twine
  2. python sdist bdist_wheel
  3. twine upload --repository-url dist/*

This is easy! But one issue is that this process is not automated. Really we would like anytime that we create a new release on git that it is pushed to pypi. This is where Gitlab comes to the rescue.

Gitlab has a continuous deployment and continuous integration pipeline that is free to use. This will only work for code that is stored in a Gitlab repo.

Add the following to a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your project. The reason that there are two twine upload steps is because there is currently a flaw in the markdown processing (issue). Hopefully this is fixed soon.



 - deploy

  image: python:3.6
  stage: deploy
    - pip install -U twine setuptools
    - pip list
    - python sdist bdist_wheel
    - twine upload dist/*.tar.gz
    - twine upload dist/*.whl
    - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+([abc]\d*)?$/  # PEP-440 compliant version (tags)

Additionally settings->CI/CD->Secret variables the environment variables TWINE_PASSWORD and TWINE_USERNAME need to be set. At this point whenever a git tag of the form vX.Y.Z is pushed to Gitlab a new version will be pushed to PyPi. Make sure that your git tags match the version number! PyPi does not allow you to change a currently existing version of your project. This is a good thing since we should all do our best to follow semantic versioning.

Once you would like to deploy to the main PyPi repository change TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL to

So you now have a package that can be shared with the entire world! But you have no testing… the next section Testing will show you how to include testing via pytest.