
Testing should be required for all source code. While there are many tools available for testing python code pytest in my option is the clear winner. I beleive this is due to pytest being the most pythonic framework for testing. PyTest gives a guide on integrating it into your project. The following will give a setup that is both simple and opinionated. Another easy win we can get with pytest is code coverage. We will use the add-on package pytest-cov for this.


  setup_requires=['pytest-runner', ...],
  tests_require=['pytest', 'pytest-cov'],



That is all you need to get pytest running! You can run all tests via the command python setup.py test or py.test. Now that is all assuming you have tests. pytest by default will look for tests in the tests directory and runs all files with the name test_<filename>.py. In order to get the additional coverage report with the tests you need to add some additional arguments python setup.py test --addopts "--cov=pypkgtemp". Read the pytest documentation for more detailed documentation . For example create a file tests/test_example.py with the following code.


def test_example():
    assert 1 == 1

Now run the test via python setup.py test and you should see that one test passes. Similarly how we discussed that all new tags of our project should be pushed to PyPi we should also test all commits when they are pushed to gitlab. Adding to the .gitlab-ci.yml setup in the :doc:`pypi`_ documentation.


  - test
  - deploy

  image: python:3.6
  stage: test
    - pip install .
    - pip list
    - python setup.py test --addopts "--cov=<package-directory>"

With these changes it will test every commit given to Gitlab and will only submit a new package if all tests pass! All of this has been automated for us. In order to get the coverage report setup correctly you will need to tell gitlab the regular expression to use in order to parse the coverage report. For pytest-cov this is ^TOTAL\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\%\s*$.